
Ruth the Moabite


After more than ten years, Naomi returns to the family estate in Bethlehem. She leaves the pain of losing her husband and two sons behind, in Moab. She now seeks to understand the ways of G-d’s leadership: What did the family do wrong when they left the country during the famine?
Accompanied by Ruth, her Moabite daughter-in-law, the picture becomes clearer. With the help of Ruth’s special personality, a change takes place in Naomi’s psyche. The encounter with the leadership path of Boaz, her cousin, also brings about the change.
Ruth, on the other hand, is required to find a way, in order to give birth, from the Moabite qualities in her soul, to the long-awaited kingdom, the kingdom of the house of David.

Writing and acting: Menachem Levi
Directing voices and acting: Joel Freiman (Drori)
Original music and processing: Avi Bar Eitan
Digital recording and processing: Sach – Ha’kol Sound Studio
Actors: Yoel Freiman (Drori), C.B Davies, Gadi Zaig, Lonnie Monka, Dale David, Yael Valier, Andrea Katz, Chava Eisenberg, Sivan Raz.
Final editing: Menachem Levi
Production: The Hebrew Audio Theater




Listen to three episodes of the play